Info / Work at Menasha Packaging
Client / Starbucks & Costco
Role / Concept, Structural Design, Mock-Up & Instruction sheet
Product Info / https://www.costco.com/starbucks-via-instant-colombia-coffee%2c-medium-roast%2c-26-count.product.100377118.html
Responsipak is a project to innovate sustainable and
plastic-free packages that Menasha Packaging is trying to accomplish.
The main goal is to reduce the waste of plastic
and create an environment-friendly package for the world.
One of the projects I was involved was to create an alternative package for Starbucks Via ® Instant Coffee which has launched in Costco in 2021. This project was the first Responsipak that Menasha has ever introduced to the market!
The Original Package

Other option we purpose

We tried to duplicate the original package and play around with the product layout.

Final Design

3D Rendering Credit: Jim O'Connor

After the first lunch
With the success of the new plastic-free package,
clients requested for more environmentally friendly package.
Hopefully, we could see more and more Responsipak in the market!
Version two
For the second version, we made some small adjustment to the design.
Giving package a simple looks and making the assembly process more efficiency.
New Prototype
For the new version, client agreed to take out the filler and reduce the height.
Customers could get an idea of the accurate size of the product through
the package size they purchase.

Detail Adjustment
The lock style of the bottom package has change to make the set-up faster for loading the products.
Without the filler, the top of the package was able to switch to the machine seal top which could improve the production process and time.

Insert Adjustment
We also improved the insert of the tray to hold the package better.

Final design V2

Final design V2

3D Rendering Credit: Jim O'Connor